WEEK 8. Another label: professional

Following the example of the three surgeons, I don't see the reason to assign "professionalism" labels to these people. Every one of the surgeons is a professional and everyone is needed in his environment. If we apply the example to the IT sector, then the first surgeon would become a developer, the second would represent a team lead and the third one would be a founder of a company.

Can all these people exist without each other? Maybe in a small business, but as it grows bigger, more chain pieces are needed. Is it possible to say that one is less professional than another? Well, no. I don't agree with that. The professionalism, from my point of view, is determined by how well the person suits his role. Someone is good at generating ideas and bringing them to masses, someone is an absolute genius in one task.

Speaking about my home country, Russia, it is very hard to make the judgment of what a professional is there, taking into account the fact that I have never worked there and have more experience with Estonian companies. However, it depends on the work culture and project scope. Different "professionals" will get hired for different roles. In case of a small project for one or two developers, probably, the "second surgeon" would be the best fit, as he is able to develop a solution alone and also to define the requirements, communicate with clients and advertise. If, instead, we are talking about a significantly big project, then organized experts in one field would be a much better fit, illustrated by the "first surgeon".


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